Friday, September 28, 2012

I'm now sharing "Trunk" on Google Drive, you can read it here.

The first three pages of the script were analyzed by John August and Craig Mazin on their Scriptnotes podcast as part of their Three Page Challenge a few weeks ago, which lead to a funny discussion about my nationality, among other things. Overall they seemed to enjoy the pages, which is in part what gave me the courage to finally put the script out there for others to read. You can listen to the podcast here or read the transcript here if you prefer.The podcast is also available on iTunes.

I realize it's only a short, and one that is very unlikely to ever be shot due to its content, but it's the first bit of writing that I really spent time rewriting and polishing. I'm still not 100% satisfied with it, but as they say, you could work forever on a script, but there comes a time when you just have to consider it done and put it out there. This was a practice run, and I am now tackling the first rewrite of my first full length feature, the one I started while going through the UCLA Extension program. I'm not gonna say too much about it yet, except that it is a horror-comedy based in the corporate world. Think Shaun of the Dead meets Office Space...

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